Being sued for debt is a frightening thought, but is an increasingly likely scenario for many consumers struggling through the credit crunch. One of the most common forms of consumer debt is money owed to credit card companies. The reason for this is not least because it is often very easy to get credit in the first place and much harder to keep track of plastic spending compared to hard cash coming out of your bank account. When times get tough, it is often credit cards we turn to in order to pay the bills or buy the things we need.
If you do find yourself in a serious debt crisis where you are unable to meet your commitments to pay back what you have spent, you may well be threatened with legal action by the credit card companies. They are well within their rights to sue you for their money, but they are only likely to do this if they think that is the course of action which is most likely to get back what you owe them.
Ideally, you should not be letting things go as far as being taken to court, but if you are already at that stage, it may not be as bad as you think. You cannot be sent to prison for an unpaid credit card bill if you have not been to court before. If the court judgement goes against you, the judge will order you to pay back the money you owe at a rate which the court thinks you are able to pay. They will examine your finances in order to make this judgement about what you can afford each month.
The best option is of course not to let your debts mount up in the first place, but this is easier said than done. If you already have substantial credit card bills that you are unable to pay, your best option is to try to negotiate a settlement with the card companies. This too is easier said than done, particularly if you do not understand how card companies operate.
Many people in this situation turn to debt settlement agencies, but you will need to pay them for this service, so ultimately it ends up costing you a lot more than if you do it yourself. If you understand how credit card settlement works, and can time your negotiations properly, you should be able to come to an agreement that will result in a large proportion of your debt being written off.
It is important to know what to say to the card companies and you need to understand the procedures they go through in order to time your negotiations to achieve the best results. Getting this right can make the difference between not reaching any agreement to settle, and achieving a settlement that writes off a huge chunk of what you owe, getting you out of debt in one stroke.
With the right guidance and information, you can negotiate directly will all the credit card companies you owe money to, and achieve the best possible settlement deals without paying substantial fees to a debt settlement company for their services.
Find out how you can learn how to settle debt.
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